Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Domestic Bliss and Apple-Sass

I did not have to work today... woohoo! Like many people I took a look around my messy house and said screw it I am gonna do something other than clean on my day off.

So, instead of cleaning I decided to earn another patch for my domestic diva status and learn how to can food. Now canning food is a process that I have watched my parents do since I was a small child, so naturally I went to my mother, the queen of all things domestic. She could give the circa 1990 Martha a run for her money in the cooking department.

Anyway, I had gone apple picking about a month ago with some friends and had a ton of apples just taking up space in my fridge, so apple sauce was the obvious choice for canning. I decided that I did not want to stand over a pot for an hour waiting for all these apples to cook, so I selected the lazy (or creative) way out. The Crockpot!

I cut and cored and peeled all 30 apples by hand, quartered them and dumped them into the Crockpot on low over night. Magically in the morning I had apple soup and schlepped it to mom's house. I added some cinnamon, put in over the wood stove at the rents house and then let it thicken. About 30 minutes later, after prepping the jars, was ready to fill and steam can my sass.

It turned out beautiful. I should have taken a picture! So for those of you interested in having homemade apple sauce for over the winter check out the Ball Blue Book, basically the bible of home canning.